Motherhood / January 18, 2023

What I Packed In My Hospital Bag

Being a first-time mom, I had no idea what to pack in my hospital bag; I wanted to make sure I had everything yet not overpack. I've come up with a great list of necessities you won't want to leave behind. 

Don't forget to screenshot or print the checklist below

What to Bring

I recommend packing 2 different bags; one you bring with you immediately, here is the one we used; the bottom has a separate compartment, ,perfect for your shower shoes! The other bag will have the baby's needs and you can grab from the car once your baby is here; we used the diaper bag Stephen will be using, you can get it here (and they offer a military discount).

Below I have some things to put in each bag; continue to scroll down and you will find a specific list of hospital bag necessities along with a list you can screenshot to help you pack.

The First Bag

Since you won't know how long you will be in the hospital, bring a comfortable change of clothes and flip-slops if you need to shower before the baby comes. I only brought one change of clothes because I was in one of the hospital gowns until leaving; they're easier to feed and have skin-to-skin with your new baby and far easier when going to the bathroom. They say to bring a change of clothes that would've fit you when you were 5 months pregnant to wear when you go home. 

People have told me to bring a 6ft cable charger, but I definitely recommend a 10ft cord to be sure you have enough length to reach you comfortably. 

The hospital will have towels, but they're super small and itchy; I think it's easier and more comforting to have your own. Also, bring anything you would want to use normally after a shower, such as lotion and chapstick. 

The Second Bag

  • pillow
  • blanket
  • snacks
  • coffee
  • Depends
  • baby needs

The hospital pillows are thin and terrible; I recommend bringing one of your own. Ideally, have a pillowcase that isn't white, so you don't confuse it with hospital pillows.

Don't forget more snacks; if you're like me, you don't want to go more than 2 hours without eating, so be sure to have these in both bags. If you're a coffee drinker, it's also a great idea to have coffee, whether it's a pre-made cold brew from Starbucks or some coffee packs.

I highly recommend Depends, which sounds a little crazy, I know. They're super helpful to wear to the hospital instead of leaking all over a towel in the car. After labor, the hospital gives you are basically like pantyhose with a surfboard-size pad. They're also great for your recovery at home, I kept a few in each bathroom. 

Remember: the hospital has everything you need and more, so keep your extra diapers and wipes at home and use the free ones from the hospital. 

For Mom

Many moms add a razor, shampoo, conditioner, etc., to their list, but in reality, are you going to be shaving your legs at the hospital? Probably not; you'll be spending your time with your newborn or catching up on sleep. 

For Baby

Besides pictures, your youngster will want as much skin-to-skin contact as possible, so they will probably be wrapped in a swaddle and blanket most of the time. Bring 2, maybe 3, of your favorite outfits that vary in size (newborn and 0-3) and save the others for pictures at home.

For Partner

The shortest of the lists because they can run and grab things they need and the hospital isn't catering to them - grab an extra pillow and blanket so they can also be comfortable during these long days.

  • ID
  • Insurance info
  • Pillow
  • Blanket
  • Change of clothes
  • Glasses/contacts
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush necessities


Snacks, snacks, snacks. Many people say don't eat when you're getting ready to give birth, but this is a personal preference. If you decide to get an epidural, you can only have clear liquids after you receive it so get your calories in and have some Gatorade or Body Armor before getting it. If you're like me, you can't go too long without eating a snack - pack some of your favorites for before and after birth (I liked applesauce, pretzels, fruit snacks, and beef jerky). Also, be sure to have an extra bag to help carry the items the hospital gives you.

I also recommend a portable fan; this was a gem before, during, and after labor - one of the best things I packed. This fan can wrap around the hospital bed and is great to put on your stroller once you're home. Another one of my favorites was this nightlight; the hospital lights can be so bright when it's the middle of the night, and you need to nurse or use the bathroom, this soft light is perfect. It dims, has a white and yellow light, and the charge lasts forever! We've also been using it since we've been home, whether we're feeding or changing diapers in the middle of the night. 

Screenshot or Print the list below

Here is a blank checklist if you want to make your own



  1. What's On My Baby Registry - Laura Fraser

    […] See what I Packed in my Hospital Bag […]

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  2. 11 Postpartum Must-Haves for Mom - Laura Fraser

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