Best Newborn Organization Tips
This is one of the easiest ways to prepare for your new baby, and you'll be thanking yourself once they're here!
Feeding Station
If you choose to breastfeed, I suggest having a specific place in your home to do so. Not only will it be easier to keep all of your things in one spot, but once your little one gets 2-3 months old, they often get distracted when eating, so having a quiet space for them to eat is super helpful. Here are some items I have at my feeding station:
Changing Station
We have a two-story home, so we decided to have one upstairs and another downstairs - this has made a world of difference! Some things we have at our changing stations are:
Throughout the Home
With a newborn, the last thing I want to do is run around the house looking for a burp cloth or swaddle. To help stay organized, we have burp cloths, blankets, and toys in the storage bins on boths floors. We use our Pack'N Play to hold some of his outfits, towels for bath time and it's his changing table downstairs, we use it daily!